Coastal Resiliency in Jamaica Bay
with Guy Nordenson, Catherine Seavitt, Paul Lewis, Ning Lin, and Reza Marsooli
Princeton University School of Architecture and Spitzer School of Architecture at the City College of New York
Funded by the National Science FoundationView the report
This project proposes a public infrastructure system at the watershed scale that combines flood risk reduction with investment in ecological health and opportunities for public recreation. Examining the eastern extents of New York’s Jamaica Bay, known as the “Head of Bay,” as a case study, the proposal develops novel measures for adapting to rising sea levels, king tides, extreme rainfall, and storm surge. We envision a layered system of storm mitigation features, from marsh islands to levees, to address the impacts of a range of conditions without obstructing downstream stormwater runoff and sediment flow. The project is informed by advanced probabilistic computational modeling of future flood hazards incorporating sea level rise in partnership with Princeton University and with funding from the National Science Foundation.